[DEBUG] 14:20:03.472
For example:> "SELECT a.id, a.name, a.createTime,
IF((FROM_UNIXTIME(a.beginTime,'%Y%m%d')= date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d')) or a.beginTime is NULL, 1,0) isToday,
IF(a.beginTime is not null and FROM_UNIXTIME(a.beginTime,'%Y%m%d') > date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d'), 1,0) isFuture,
IF(a.beginTime is not null and FROM_UNIXTIME(a.beginTime,'%Y%m%d') < date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d'), 1,0) isover,
IF(b.taskId is NULL, 0, 1) isEnd
from ttask a LEFT JOIN ttaskendusermap b on a.id = b.taskId and b.loginUserId = 57
where a.isLoopTemplate=0 and a.taskType = 1
and a.createUserId = 57
and a.companyId = 8
and a.name like '%%'
and b.taskId is
nullorder by a.id desc"
SELECT a.id, a.name, a.createTime,
IF((FROM_UNIXTIME(a.beginTime,'%Y%m%d')= date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d')) or a.beginTime is NULL, 1,0) isToday,
IF(a.beginTime is not null and FROM_UNIXTIME(a.beginTime,'%Y%m%d') > date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d'), 1,0) isFuture,
IF(a.beginTime is not null and FROM_UNIXTIME(a.beginTime,'%Y%m%d') < date_format(now(),'%Y%m%d'), 1,0) isover,
IF(b.taskId is NULL, 0, 1) isEnd
from ttask a LEFT JOIN ttaskendusermap b on a.id = b.taskId and b.loginUserId = @createUserId
where a.isLoopTemplate=0 and a.taskType = 1
and a.createUserId = @createUserId
and a.companyId = @companyId
and a.beginTime >= @beginTime
and a.beginTime <= @endTime
and a.name like @term
and a.id in (select b.taskId from ttasklabelmap b where b.labelId=@labelId)
and (a.createUserId=@createUserId
or a.id in (select taskid from ttaskemployeemap where employeeId =@currentEmployeeId)
or a.id in (select taskid from ttasklabelmap where labelid in (select labelid from tcommonlabelusermap where loginuserid =@createUserId))
<%if(has("isend") && isend.~size == 1){%>
and b.taskId is
<%for(item in isend){%>
<%if(item == 1){%>not<%}%> null
order by a.id desc