NutzCN Logo
问答 daocache配置不生效
发布于 1829天前 作者 qq_f2543e98 1167 次浏览 复制 上一个帖子 下一个帖子
标签: nutzwk
var ioc = {
		conf : {
			type : "org.nutz.ioc.impl.PropertiesProxy",
			fields : {
				paths : ["config/custom/"]
	    dataSource : {
			factory : "$conf#make",
			args : ["", "db."],
	        type : "",
	        events : {
	        	create : "init",
	            depose : 'close'
		dao : {
			type : "org.nutz.dao.impl.NutDao",
			args : [{refer:"dataSource"}],
			fields : {
				interceptors : [{refer:"cacheExecutor"}, "log"]
		cacheExecutor : {
			type : "org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.DaoCacheInterceptor",
			fields : {
				cacheProvider : {refer:"cacheProvider"},
				cachedTableNames : ["jyycms_content"]
		// 基于Ehcache的DaoCacheProvider
		cacheProvider : {
			type : "org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.impl.provider.EhcacheDaoCacheProvider",
			fields : {
				cacheManager : {refer:"cacheManager"} // 引用ehcache.json中定义的CacheManager
			events : {
				create : "init"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ehcache xmlns:xsi=""
    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ehcache.xsd" updateCheck="false"
    monitoring="autodetect" dynamicConfig="true" name="nutzwk">
    <diskStore path=""/>
    <cache name="shiro-activeSessionCache"

    <defaultCache maxElementsInMemory="10000" eternal="false"
                  timeToIdleSeconds="86400" timeToLiveSeconds="86400" overflowToDisk="false"
                  diskPersistent="false" diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds="120"
                  statistics="false" />

[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,491 org.nutz.mvc.impl.UrlMappingImpl.get( - Found mapping for [GET] path=/index : JyyindexController.index(
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,492 org.nutz.ioc.impl.NutIoc.get( - Get 'shiroUtil'<class cn.wizzer.framework.util.ShiroUtil>
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,492 org.nutz.ioc.impl.NutIoc.get( - Get 'dateUtil'<class cn.wizzer.framework.util.DateUtil>
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,492 org.nutz.ioc.impl.NutIoc.get( - Get 'stringUtil'<class cn.wizzer.framework.util.StringUtil>
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,493 org.nutz.ioc.impl.NutIoc.get( - Get 'jyyindexController'<class>
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,494 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | c13bc68ce03f403db824d492488d04e9 | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='c13bc68ce03f403db824d492488d04e9' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,495 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,495 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=-1599770074:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :c13bc68ce03f403db824d492488d04e9:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,496 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=-1599770074:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :c13bc68ce03f403db824d492488d04e9:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,497 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE disabled=? ORDER BY location ASC  
    |     1 |
    | false |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE disabled='false' ORDER BY location ASC  "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,498 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE disabled=? ORDER BY location ASC  , tables = [jyycms_site]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,498 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - not good for cache >> SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE disabled=? ORDER BY location ASC  
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,501 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE id=?
    |                                1 |
    | 746cf82343c14c74923006152fd3b11b |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE id='746cf82343c14c74923006152fd3b11b'"
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,501 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE id=?, tables = [jyycms_site]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,502 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - not good for cache >> SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE id=?
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,503 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? ORDER BY location DESC  
    |                                1 |  2 |
    | cc299a1383a84ba9898e0dcb82ad9cda | 02 |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='cc299a1383a84ba9898e0dcb82ad9cda' AND checkstate LIKE '02' ORDER BY location DESC  "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,504 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? ORDER BY location DESC  , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,504 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=2349011786:_:_:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? ORDER BY location DESC  :cc299a1383a84ba9898e0dcb82ad9cda:02 SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? ORDER BY location DESC  
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,504 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=2349011786:_:_:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? ORDER BY location DESC  :cc299a1383a84ba9898e0dcb82ad9cda:02
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,505 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | c13bc68ce03f403db824d492488d04e9 | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='c13bc68ce03f403db824d492488d04e9' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,506 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,506 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=-1599770074:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :c13bc68ce03f403db824d492488d04e9:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,508 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=-1599770074:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :c13bc68ce03f403db824d492488d04e9:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,509 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | ee4d8fc5d4a04a32bbfcfb3349a34a5f | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='ee4d8fc5d4a04a32bbfcfb3349a34a5f' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,510 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,510 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=-137645472:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :ee4d8fc5d4a04a32bbfcfb3349a34a5f:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,511 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=-137645472:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :ee4d8fc5d4a04a32bbfcfb3349a34a5f:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,512 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | b214d44c0ca44cb5ab5d742d899e670c | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='b214d44c0ca44cb5ab5d742d899e670c' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,512 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,513 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=-962708943:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :b214d44c0ca44cb5ab5d742d899e670c:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,513 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=-962708943:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY showDate DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :b214d44c0ca44cb5ab5d742d899e670c:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,514 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
    |                                1 |                                2 |                                3 |                                4 |                                5 |                                6 |                                7 |                                8 |  9 |   10 |
    | 9f971ad2d0b44685bdab0aa61dfbde92 | 4c7d902766f24f858a65c2edb92eb291 | 11caf3c5ca29409f84362d671eece653 | 5f259a39751b4757b43f0a0b26bf5dfb | 4f499e6ebdbb43f098b5c06d4ee9a2d6 | 7a78bc6858c34887a394280f3af04674 | e0104449d9974f7d85929617d33caa7e | 74e3e4d4cef54b1f8c5124dcffe2e1fb | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId IN ('9f971ad2d0b44685bdab0aa61dfbde92','4c7d902766f24f858a65c2edb92eb291','11caf3c5ca29409f84362d671eece653','5f259a39751b4757b43f0a0b26bf5dfb','4f499e6ebdbb43f098b5c06d4ee9a2d6','7a78bc6858c34887a394280f3af04674','e0104449d9974f7d85929617d33caa7e','74e3e4d4cef54b1f8c5124dcffe2e1fb') AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,514 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,515 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=1125692134:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :9f971ad2d0b44685bdab0aa61dfbde92:4c7d902766f24f858a65c2edb92eb291:11caf3c5ca29409f84362d671eece653:5f259a39751b4757b43f0a0b26bf5dfb:4f499e6ebdbb43f098b5c06d4ee9a2d6:7a78bc6858c34887a394280f3af04674:e0104449d9974f7d85929617d33caa7e:74e3e4d4cef54b1f8c5124dcffe2e1fb:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,516 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=1125692134:1:5:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 5 :9f971ad2d0b44685bdab0aa61dfbde92:4c7d902766f24f858a65c2edb92eb291:11caf3c5ca29409f84362d671eece653:5f259a39751b4757b43f0a0b26bf5dfb:4f499e6ebdbb43f098b5c06d4ee9a2d6:7a78bc6858c34887a394280f3af04674:e0104449d9974f7d85929617d33caa7e:74e3e4d4cef54b1f8c5124dcffe2e1fb:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,516 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC  
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | 45237e6e01d84533acc9c8732f391e9b | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='45237e6e01d84533acc9c8732f391e9b' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY publishAt DESC  "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,517 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC  , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,517 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=-2101883043:_:_:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC  :45237e6e01d84533acc9c8732f391e9b:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC  
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,518 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=-2101883043:_:_:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC  :45237e6e01d84533acc9c8732f391e9b:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,518 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE id=?
    |                                1 |
    | 746cf82343c14c74923006152fd3b11b |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE id='746cf82343c14c74923006152fd3b11b'"
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,519 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE id=?, tables = [jyycms_site]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,519 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - not good for cache >> SELECT * FROM jyycms_site  WHERE id=?
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,520 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 20 
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | d73a188670694539aaeb576dc1f49b12 | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='d73a188670694539aaeb576dc1f49b12' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 20 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,521 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 20 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,521 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=511925655:1:20:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 20 :d73a188670694539aaeb576dc1f49b12:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 20 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,522 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=511925655:1:20:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 20 :d73a188670694539aaeb576dc1f49b12:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,523 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY author*1 DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | 50feb6b9fd624a26b658a5d2eed257e1 | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='50feb6b9fd624a26b658a5d2eed257e1' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY author*1 DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,525 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY author*1 DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,526 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=297190305:1:10:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY author*1 DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 :50feb6b9fd624a26b658a5d2eed257e1:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY author*1 DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,527 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=297190305:1:10:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY author*1 DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 :50feb6b9fd624a26b658a5d2eed257e1:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,528 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | 35f2fda0efb74004a8eeeec4ac2eeb72 | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='35f2fda0efb74004a8eeeec4ac2eeb72' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,528 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,528 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=-2879392608:1:10:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 :35f2fda0efb74004a8eeeec4ac2eeb72:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,529 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=-2879392608:1:10:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 :35f2fda0efb74004a8eeeec4ac2eeb72:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,530 - SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 
    |                                1 |  2 |    3 |
    | 50a5fcc8715342729db10b5f7d4b47b6 | 02 | true |
  For example:> "SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId='50a5fcc8715342729db10b5f7d4b47b6' AND checkstate LIKE '02' AND status='true' ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 "
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,531 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - sql = SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 , tables = [jyycms_content]
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,531 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=1069374939:1:10:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 :50a5fcc8715342729db10b5f7d4b47b6:02:true SQL=SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,532 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - cache found key=1069374939:1:10:SELECT * FROM jyycms_content  WHERE columnnId=? AND checkstate LIKE ? AND status=? ORDER BY publishAt DESC   LIMIT 0, 10 :50a5fcc8715342729db10b5f7d4b47b6:02:true
[DEBUG] 2020-02-21 10:35:33,542 - [GET ]URI=/index 49ms

1 回复

org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec( - KEY=2349011786

