Exception when parser SQL sql, skip cac
he detect!! SQL=RUN 这个日志是正常的吗?
2018-04-18 11:13:23,336 org.nutz.ioc.impl.NutIoc.get(NutIoc.java:151) DEBUG - Get 'weixinController'<class cn.wizzer.modules.open.wx.WeixinController>
2018-04-18 11:13:23,336 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - SELECT * FROM wx_config WHERE id=?
| 1 |
| 0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b |
For example:> "SELECT * FROM wx_config WHERE id='0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b'"
2018-04-18 11:13:23,338 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - SELECT * FROM wx_config WHERE id=? LIMIT 0, 1
| 1 |
| 0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b |
For example:> "SELECT * FROM wx_config WHERE id='0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b' LIMIT 0, 1 "
2018-04-18 11:13:23,341 org.nutz.weixin.util.Wxs.convert(Wxs.java:225) DEBUG - Income >>
"toUserName": "gh_70aba5691d5e",
"fromUserName": "odYUC0qBe9nedJcNBJe3rDlXHmlQ",
"createTime": "1524021203",
"msgType": "text",
"content": "小姐好白",
"msgId": "6545621225745669142"
2018-04-18 11:13:23,342 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - SELECT * FROM wx_config WHERE id=?
| 1 |
| 0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b |
For example:> "SELECT * FROM wx_config WHERE id='0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b'"
2018-04-18 11:13:23,344 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - SELECT * FROM wx_user WHERE openid=? LIMIT 0, 1
| 1 |
| odYUC0qBe9nedJcNBJe3rDlXHmlQ |
For example:> "SELECT * FROM wx_user WHERE openid='odYUC0qBe9nedJcNBJe3rDlXHmlQ' LIMIT 0, 1 "
2018-04-18 11:13:23,347 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - // NOT SQL // ElFieldMacro=uuid()
2018-04-18 11:13:23,347 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec(CachedNutDaoExecutor.java:110) DEBUG - Exception when parser SQL sql, skip cac
he detect!! SQL=RUN
2018-04-18 11:13:23,348 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - // NOT SQL // ElFieldMacro=$me.uid()
2018-04-18 11:13:23,348 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec(CachedNutDaoExecutor.java:110) DEBUG - Exception when parser SQL sql, skip cac
he detect!! SQL=RUN
2018-04-18 11:13:23,348 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - // NOT SQL // ElFieldMacro=$me.now()
2018-04-18 11:13:23,348 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec(CachedNutDaoExecutor.java:110) DEBUG - Exception when parser SQL sql, skip cac
he detect!! SQL=RUN
2018-04-18 11:13:23,348 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - // NOT SQL // ElFieldMacro=$me.flag()
2018-04-18 11:13:23,349 org.nutz.plugins.cache.dao.CachedNutDaoExecutor.exec(CachedNutDaoExecutor.java:110) DEBUG - Exception when parser SQL sql, skip cac
he detect!! SQL=RUN
2018-04-18 11:13:23,349 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - INSERT INTO wx_msg(id,openid,nickname,type,conte
nt,replyId,wxid,opBy,opAt,delFlag) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 1
0 |
| c52eedb3ac41498dba89322bb4f06332 | odYUC0qBe9nedJcNBJe3rDlXHmlQ | NULL | txt | 小姐好白 | NULL | 0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b | | 1524021203 | f
alse |
For example:> "INSERT INTO wx_msg(id,openid,nickname,type,content,replyId,wxid,opBy,opAt,delFlag) VALUES('c52eedb3ac41498dba89322bb4f06332','odYUC0qBe9ne
dJcNBJe3rDlXHmlQ','NULL','txt','小姐好白','NULL','0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b','',1524021203,false) "
2018-04-18 11:13:23,355 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - SELECT * FROM wx_reply WHERE wxid=? AND type=?
AND keyword=? LIMIT 0, 1
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b | keyword | 小姐好白 |
For example:> "SELECT * FROM wx_reply WHERE wxid='0825757ddd404c8caa7ac2d2d55a360b' AND type='keyword' AND keyword='小姐好白' LIMIT 0, 1 "
2018-04-18 11:13:23,357 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - SELECT * FROM movie_keyword WHERE keyWord=?
| 1 |
| 小姐好白 |
For example:> "SELECT * FROM movie_keyword WHERE keyWord='小姐好白'"
2018-04-18 11:13:23,359 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - SELECT * FROM movie WHERE id IN (2684) AND onLi
| 1 |
| 1 |
For example:> "SELECT * FROM movie WHERE id IN (2684) AND onLine=1"
2018-04-18 11:13:23,362 org.nutz.dao.impl.sql.run.NutDaoExecutor.printSQL(NutDaoExecutor.java:388) DEBUG - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wx_msg WHERE openid=? AND
replyId IS NOT NULL AND opAt>?
| 1 | 2 |
| odYUC0qBe9nedJcNBJe3rDlXHmlQ | 1523980800 |
For example:> "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wx_msg WHERE openid='odYUC0qBe9nedJcNBJe3rDlXHmlQ' AND replyId IS NOT NULL AND opAt>1523980800"