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问答 sql自定义查询异常
发布于 1130天前 作者 qq_67953fe6 1360 次浏览 复制 上一个帖子 下一个帖子
String sqlstr = "/*月度告警*/\n" +
                "with get_month_total as (\n" +
                "    select count(*),'month' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and to_char(time,'yyyy-MM') = to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                "),\n" +
                "/*周度告警*/\n" +
                " get_week_total as(\n" +
                "     select count(*),'week' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and time>to_date(@sdate,'yyyy-MM-dd')  and time<=to_date(@edate,'yyyy-MM-dd')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                "),\n" +
                "/*今日告警*/\n" +
                " get_day_total as(\n" +
                "     select count(*),'day' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and to_char(time,'yyyy-MM-dd') = to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM-dd')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                "),\n" +
                "/*今日告警--待处理*/\n" +
                "get_day_total_untreated as(\n" +
                "     select count(*),'day_untreated' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and t1.state ='0' and to_char(time,'yyyy-MM-dd') = to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM-dd')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                "),\n" +
                "/*今日告警--已处理*/\n" +
                "get_day_total_processed as(\n" +
                "     select count(*),'day_processed' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and t1.state ='1' and to_char(time,'yyyy-MM-dd') = to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM-dd')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                ")\n" +
                "select * from get_month_total union all\n" +
                "select * from get_week_total union all\n" +
                "select * from get_day_total  union all\n" +
                "select * from get_day_total_untreated union all\n" +
                "select * from get_day_total_processed";

        sqlstr = "with get_month_total as (\n" +
                "    select count(*),'month' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and to_char(time,'yyyy-MM') = to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                "),\n" +
                " get_week_total as(\n" +
                "     select count(*),'week' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and time>to_date(@sdate,'yyyy-MM-dd')  and time<=to_date(@edate,'yyyy-MM-dd')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                "),\n" +
                " get_day_total as(\n" +
                "     select count(*),'day' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and to_char(time,'yyyy-MM-dd') = to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM-dd')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                "),\n" +
                "get_day_total_untreated as(\n" +
                "     select count(*),'day_untreated' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and t1.state ='0' and to_char(time,'yyyy-MM-dd') = to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM-dd')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                "),\n" +
                "get_day_total_processed as(\n" +
                "     select count(*),'day_processed' as type from fa_detection t1 where t1.del_flag = '0' and t1.state ='1' and to_char(time,'yyyy-MM-dd') = to_char(now(),'yyyy-MM-dd')  and t1.user_code =@userCode \n" +
                ")\n" +
                "select * from get_month_total union all\n" +
                "select * from get_week_total union all\n" +
                "select * from get_day_total  union all\n" +
                "select * from get_day_total_untreated union all\n" +
                "select * from get_day_total_processed";

        String sweek = DateUtils.getMondayOfThisWeek();
        String edate = DateUtils.getDate("yyyy-MM-dd");

        Sql sql = Sqls.create(sqlstr);
        List<NutMap> list = sql.getList(NutMap.class);

        return list;


org.nutz.dao.DaoException: !Nutz SQL Error: 'beetlException>>错找不到指定模板或者加载错(TEMPLATE_LOAD_ERROR): 位于0行 资源:/*月度告警*/

这个是和我设置了Sqls.setSqlBorning(BeetlSqlTpl.class); 有关么,


2 回复

具体异常 org.nutz.dao.DaoException: !Nutz SQL Error: 'beetlException>>错找不到指定模板或者加载错(TEMPLATE_LOAD_ERROR): 位于0行 资源:/*月度告警*/

有模板引擎特定的字符了, 需要转义
